How To Make Money on Pinterest – A Complete Guide

You must have heard a lot of statements on the internet lately, such as “I am earning shitloads of money on Pinterest”, “I earned $10,000 a month on Pinterest” blah blah blah. 

But the eternal question of “How?” always stands in line. 

The answer is pretty simple out there. 

Post a lot of pins every day and the money is yours. 

But, is that the reality or there is more to it? 

Let’s find out.

What is Pinterest? 

Pinterest is a social media platform that believes in harnessing the power of visual discovery, inspiration, and sharing. 

Users, often referred to as “Pinners,” create and interact with boards that feature collections of pins—images, graphics, or videos—each linked to a webpage or article. 

These pins can represent ideas, products, recipes, DIY projects, fashion, travel destinations, and a myriad of other topics.

Now, do note that pinterest operates on a unique premise compared to other social media networks. 

Instead of focusing on updates from friends or news, it serves as a personal inspiration board where users can discover new ideas, find inspiration for their hobbies and interests, and curate content that resonates with their personal or professional life.

To truly succeed and potentially earn significant income on Pinterest, it’s crucial to:

  • Understand Your Audience: Know what your target audience is interested in and tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences.
  • Create High-Quality Content: Your pins should be visually appealing, with clear images and text. The content on your website that the pin links to should also be high-quality and provide value to the user.
  • Utilize SEO Strategies: Use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions and board titles to enhance discoverability.
  • Engage With the Community: Respond to comments on your pins, engage with other users’ content, and participate in group boards to increase your visibility on the platform.
  • Leverage Pinterest Ads: Consider using promoted pins to increase the reach of your content to a targeted audience.
  • Monetize Your Website: Ensure that your website is set up to generate income, whether through product sales, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or advertisements.
  • Analyze and Optimize: Use Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your pins and boards, and adjust your strategy based on what is working best.

Now that you have gots the ins and outs of what the prerequisites are, let’s begin the real thing. 

Top 10 Ways on How You Can Earn Money on Pinterest

1. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing where you promote someone else’s product or service and earn a commission for every sale or action taken through your referral link. 

It offers a way to earn passive income without the need to develop your own products or services. Instead, you leverage the offerings of other companies and individuals and earn a slice of the revenue when someone buys or signs up through your unique affiliate link.

What Kind of Products Can You Sell?

The beauty of affiliate marketing is its versatility. 

You can promote a wide range of products, depending on your interests and the interests of your Pinterest followers:

  • Digital Products: eBooks, online courses, software, apps, etc.
  • Physical Products: Clothing, electronics, beauty products, home goods, etc.
  • Services: Website hosting, design services, freelance work platforms, etc.
  • Memberships and Subscriptions: Magazine subscriptions, premium content platforms, software-as-a-service (SaaS) products, etc.

In essence, if there’s a product or service with an affiliate program attached to it, you can promote it on Pinterest.

However, do note that links from certain websites are banned on Pinterest, hence proceed with caution. 

How to Start Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest:

  • Choose a Niche: Start by identifying what you’re passionate about or what resonates with your Pinterest audience. It’s easier to sell products that align with your interests and the interests of your followers.
  • Join Affiliate Programs: Once you’ve chosen a niche, research and join affiliate programs that offer products in that category. Websites like ClickBank, ShareASale, and Amazon Associates are good starting points.
  • Create High-Quality Pins: Design eye-catching pins that represent the products you’re promoting. Use high-resolution images, compelling captions, and ensure that they stand out.
  • Insert Affiliate Links: When creating a pin, insert your affiliate link in the ‘website’ field. This way, when users click on your pin, they’ll be directed to the affiliate product page.
  • Disclose Affiliate Links: It’s crucial, and often legally required, to disclose that you’re using affiliate links. A simple “affiliate link” or “#ad” in the pin description will suffice.
  • Provide Value: Instead of just pinning product images, create content that adds value. For instance, if you’re promoting a cooking utensil, pin a recipe that uses that utensil. This not only promotes the product but also gives users a reason to engage with your pin.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Reply to comments, join group boards, and interact with other pinners. The more engaged you are, the more visibility your pins will get.
  • Stay Updated: Affiliate marketing landscapes change. Keep an eye on the products that are trending, the needs of your audience, and any updates to the affiliate programs you’re part of.
  • Monitor Analytics: Pinterest provides insights into how your pins are performing. Regularly check which pins get the most engagement and why, and optimize your strategy accordingly.
  • Stay Ethical: Only promote products you believe in. Your followers trust you, and it’s essential to maintain that trust by endorsing products that are genuine and useful.

2. Sell your own products

If affiliate marketing doesn’t appeal to you, try selling your own products. Ensure that your product meets the standard quality guidelines. 

Don’t sell cheap products just for a quick buck. 

Types of Products You Can Sell

  • Handmade Goods: Jewelry, artwork, crafts, and other unique handmade items.
  • Digital Products: eBooks, printables, photography, and digital art.
  • Clothing and Accessories: Apparel, bags, shoes, and fashion accessories.
  • Home Decor: Furniture, wall art, lighting, and other home furnishings.
  • Beauty Products: Skincare, makeup, and haircare products.
  • Food and Beverage: Gourmet treats, specialty ingredients, and kitchen gadgets.
  • Health and Wellness Products: Fitness equipment, supplements, and wellness aids.
  • Books and Stationery: Novels, notebooks, cards, and writing tools.

By strategically using Pinterest to market these products, you can expand your reach and increase sales opportunities. 

Remember to engage with your audience, use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions, and regularly update your boards with new and enticing product pins.

3. Promote Your Services

When it comes to providing services, there are ample opportunities on Pinterest. However, the key to success lies in how well you can showcase your expertise and establish a trustworthy brand presence. 

In order to do that, you need to curate content that highlights your skills, experience, and the unique value you bring to the table. 

Utilize rich pins to add extra details and direct links to your services, create visually appealing boards that categorize different types of services you offer, and ensure that your profile clearly communicates who you are and what you do.

Types of Services You Can Promote:

  1. Consulting Services: Business, marketing, financial, or legal consulting.
  2. Design Services: Graphic design, web design, interior design, or fashion styling.
  3. Coaching and Training: Life coaching, fitness training, or educational tutoring.
  4. Photography Services: Wedding photography, portrait sessions, or commercial photography.
  5. Freelance Writing: Content creation, copywriting, or blogging services.
  6. Event Planning: Wedding planning, corporate events, or party planning.
  7. Health and Wellness Services: Nutrition consulting, mental health counseling, or personal training.
  8. Craft and DIY Services: Custom crafts, handmade goods, or artistic services.
  9. Technical Services: IT support, web development, or software services.
  10. Virtual Assistance: Administrative support, scheduling, or customer service.

4. Teach Pinterest Strategies

Once you’ve mastered the art of Pinterest, leveraging your expertise to teach others can be a lucrative way to earn money. 

Businesses and individuals alike are constantly on the lookout for effective strategies to enhance their Pinterest presence and drive traffic to their websites. 

Here’s how you can position yourself as a Pinterest strategist and monetize your knowledge:

  • Develop Your Expertise: Before you can teach others, ensure that you have a solid understanding of Pinterest’s functionalities, trends, and best practices. Stay updated with any changes to the platform’s algorithm and be aware of what content performs best in different niches.
  • Create Educational Content: Start by creating educational content that showcases your knowledge and teaching style. This could be in the form of blog posts, video tutorials, webinars, or online courses. Ensure that your content is easy to understand, actionable, and provides real value to your audience.
  • Offer One-on-One Coaching: If you prefer a more personalized approach, consider offering one-on-one coaching sessions. This allows you to tailor your guidance to individual needs, helping clients develop a Pinterest strategy that aligns with their goals.
  • Create a Course or Workshop: Develop a comprehensive course or workshop that covers Pinterest strategies from A to Z. You can host this on online learning platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or even on your own website. Ensure your course is well-structured, includes practical examples, and provides resources for students to apply what they’ve learned.

5. Collaborate With Brands

Ok, now let me tell you something. 

After you realize that your Pinterest success strategies is going bonkers, you can reach out to brands for sponsored content. 

And how do you do that? 

Definitely not by just randomly messaging them that “Hey, you wanna sponsor my content?” 

Here’s what you need to do. 

  • Build an Engaging Profile: Grow an active Pinterest following with high-quality, relevant content to attract brand collaborations. A niche-focused, visually appealing profile with good engagement rates is attractive to brands.
  • Develop a Media Kit: Create a concise, informative media kit that includes your Pinterest analytics, audience demographics, content examples, and any previous successful brand partnerships.
  • Outreach to Brands: Directly contact brands that align with your niche and audience. Personalize your outreach by expressing genuine interest in their products and explaining how a partnership could be mutually beneficial.
  • Use Influencer Platforms: Register on influencer marketing platforms where brands look for Pinterest creators. These platforms can streamline the process of connecting with potential brand partners.
  • Deliver Quality and Analyze: Once you secure a collaboration, create high-quality sponsored content that fits seamlessly with your usual pins. After the campaign, analyze and report back on the performance metrics to the brand.

6. Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Pinterest is a powerhouse for driving traffic to blogs due to its visual nature and the longevity of pins compared to content on other social media platforms. 

A pin can continue to drive traffic to your blog for months, even years, after it’s first posted, unlike a tweet or Facebook post that has a much shorter lifespan. and in case you forgot, Pinterest functions almost like a visual search engine, which is ideal for bloggers to leverage. 

When used strategically, it can be a primary traffic driver, especially for content related to DIY, food, fashion, beauty, travel, and lifestyle topics. 

However, success on this platform doesn’t just happen by chance; it requires a well-planned approach to stand out among the billions of pins.

And make sure that you follow these steps if you want to get some awesome traffic for your blog. 

  • Optimize Your Profile: Make sure your Pinterest profile is fully optimized with a user-friendly name, a bio that includes keywords relevant to your niche, and a professional profile picture.
  • Create Pinnable Content: Design your blog posts with Pinterest in mind. Use high-quality, vertical images that include text overlays with the post’s title, ensuring they are visually appealing and reflective of the content.
  • Utilize SEO Practices: Research and use keywords in your pin descriptions and board titles. This helps your pins show up in search results within Pinterest and can also contribute to search engine visibility.
  • Pin Regularly: Consistency is key on Pinterest. Pin regularly, not just your own content, but a mix of value-adding content from other sources to engage a broader audience.
  • Engage With the Community: Follow other relevant boards, comment on popular pins, and join collaborative boards to increase your visibility and drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Analyze and Adjust: Monitor Pinterest analytics to see what’s working. Pay attention to which pins are most popular, the times when you get the most engagement, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

7. Host Contests

Pinterest contests can be a highly effective way to engage your audience, increase your visibility, and even drive traffic and sales. 

When done correctly, contests on Pinterest can create excitement around your brand or blog and encourage users to interact with your content. 

Here’s how you can give a shot at it. 

  • Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your contest. Whether it’s increasing followers, driving traffic to your website, or promoting a new product, your goals will guide the structure of your contest.
  • Understand Pinterest’s Rules: Pinterest has specific rules and guidelines for contests to ensure they’re fair and don’t encourage spammy behavior. Familiarize yourself with these rules before launching your contest.
  • Choose a Prize: The prize should be desirable enough to encourage participation but relevant to your brand or the interests of your audience. Collaborating with a brand can increase the contest’s appeal if you don’t have your own product to offer.
  • Design a Contest Mechanism: Decide how users will enter the contest. They could create a board, use a specific hashtag, pin from your website, or follow your account. Ensure the entry method aligns with your contest goals.
  • Create a Landing Page: Set up a landing page on your blog or website with all the contest details, terms and conditions, and the submission process. This will provide a clear call-to-action for participants.
  • Promote: Utilize your email list, blog, and other social media platforms to promote your Pinterest contest. Clear and compelling graphics and messaging will help draw attention.
  • Engage with Participants: As entries come in, engage with participants by repinning their content, commenting, and providing feedback. This helps build community and keeps the excitement going.
  • Monitor and Measure: Keep track of how the contest is performing. Are you seeing increased engagement, more followers, or higher traffic to your website? Use these insights to tweak your contest if needed.
  • Follow Through on Promises: Once the contest ends, promptly announce the winner(s) and distribute the prize(s). Ensure you follow through on all your advertised promises to maintain credibility.
  • Analyze: After the contest, analyze its impact on your goals. Did you see a lift in engagement, followers, or website traffic? Use what you learn to inform future contests and Pinterest strategies.

Don’t forget that the success of a Pinterest contest greatly depends on the planning and thought put into it before, during, and after the event.

8.Pinterest Account Management Services via the HMT Approach

As a Pinterest account manager, you will be responsible for handling the creation and curation of pins, organising boards, strategizing pinning schedules, and analysing traffic/engagement data. 

In order to attract clients, start by showcasing your Pinterest proficiency through a portfolio of successful accounts you have managed or grown. 

I personally believe in the 3 fold HMT approach.

This is what I mean. 

  • Highlight your understanding of Pinterest SEO, your ability to craft viral pins, and your track record of driving traffic and increasing online visibility. 
  • Market your services through your own Pinterest boards, on professional networks like LinkedIn, and by reaching out directly to businesses you believe could benefit from a stronger Pinterest presence. 
  • Tailor your services to the unique needs of each client, whether they’re looking for increased brand exposure, website traffic, or customer engagement.

In order to follow this approach, I would personally recommend creating a website beforehand. This would make the overall aspect of your services much more professional, helping you attract a better client list. 

9. Sell Templates and Graphics

If you have a knack for design, monetizing your skills on Pinterest can be both fulfilling and profitable. Pinterest is a visual platform, making it an ideal marketplace for selling graphic designs and templates that appeal to businesses, bloggers, and other pinners looking to elevate their pin quality.

Here’s how to do it succinctly:

  1. Create a Portfolio: Develop a diverse portfolio of original, customizable templates and graphics that stand out.
  2. Set Up an Online Store: Use platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or your own website to sell your designs.
  3. Market Your Products on Pinterest: Craft pins showcasing your templates and graphics in use, with direct links to your online store.
  4. Offer Bundles and Deals: Create package deals or discounts for multiple purchases to encourage more sales.
  5. Gather Feedback and Testimonials: Positive customer reviews can build trust with potential buyers, so feature these prominently.

10. Advertise your promoted pins

Promoted Pins on Pinterest are a paid advertising option where you can boost the visibility of your pins to reach a wider and more targeted audience. 

This feature is similar to sponsored content on other social media platforms. By investing in Promoted Pins, you can drive more traffic to your website, increase engagement, and achieve various marketing goals, including brand awareness and sales.

To use Promoted Pins effectively:

  1. Select the Right Pin: Choose a high-quality, engaging pin that has performed well organically.
  2. Define Your Goals: Set clear objectives for your campaign, whether it’s increasing traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.
  3. Target Your Audience: Use Pinterest’s targeting options to reach people by demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  4. Set Your Budget: Decide on a daily or lifetime budget for your campaign, and choose between CPC or CPM billing.
  5. Monitor Performance: Use Pinterest Analytics to track the success of your Promoted Pins and adjust your strategy as needed.

Final Thoughts

Pinterest is not just a hub of inspiration and creativity but also a fertile ground for generating income. 

Whether you’re an influencer, a blogger, an affiliate marketer, or an entrepreneur, the platform offers numerous avenues to monetize your passion and expertise. 

From affiliate marketing to teaching Pinterest strategies, collaborating with brands, and driving traffic to your blog, the potential to earn money on Pinterest is as vast as the variety of interests it caters to. 

Remember, the key to financial success on Pinterest lies in authenticity, consistency, and providing value to your followers. 

By understanding your audience, engaging with them through high-quality, pinnable content, and staying updated with Pinterest’s best practices, you can turn your virtual pinboards into a profitable business venture. 

Dive into the world of Pinterest with strategy and creativity, and watch as your efforts pin down real-world earnings.